Day 1: Monday 1st November
Welcome – Vinny Smith, CEO of Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) and Confederation of Meningitis Organisations (CoMO)
Impact of meningitis, patient experience and support and aftercare - Chair: Dr Senjuti Saha, Child Health Research Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Patient experience of meningitis and septicaemia in high and low to middle income regions – Jo Kirwin, UK member of MRF AND Adelaide Bortier, Ghana
Long-term impact of meningitis– what is known now and the research challenge for the Defeating Meningitis by 2030 Roadmap – Dr Nicoline Schiess, World Health Organization (WHO)
What follow up care after meningitis is expected, provided, and needed in high and low to middle income settings? – Professor Charles Newton, KEMRI Wellcome Trust and University of Oxford
WHO Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis by 2030 and allied initiatives - Chair: Professor James Stuart, WHO and University of Bristol
Implementing the Global Roadmap – how are we going to do it (including the research priorities within the global roadmap: what this means for the research community) – Dr Marie-Pierre Preziosi, WHO
Ending Cryptococcal Meningitis Deaths by 2030 – Strategic Framework – Professor Nelesh Govender, National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD), Johannesburg
Defeating Paediatric Tuberculous Meningitis: Applying the WHO “Defeating Meningitis by 2030: Global Roadmap” – Dr Robin Basu Roy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Lessons and impact for meningitis in the COVID-19 era – Chair and Moderator: Professor Adam Finn, University of Bristol
PANEL DISCUSSION - Will meningitis rebound as COVID restrictions end? What needs to happen next?
Panellists from around the world will take part in a discussion contrasting models predicting a prolonged herd protection effect from social distancing vs the immunity gap due to reduced immunisation and reduced natural acquisition/ boosting of immunity.
Findings from the IRIS initiative, with a focus on Brazil, and commenting on the situation in Latin America - Professor Marco Safadi, Santa Casa de São Paulo School of Medical Sciences, Brazil
African perspective on COVID impact - Professor Shabir Madhi, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Models of COVID impact on meningitis infections - Dr Caroline Trotter, University of Cambridge:
The relative predicted effect of social distancing on carriage vs lower vaccine coverage on IMD and IPD in the UK, and
The potential impact of MenAfriVac disruption on meningococcal A infection
Audience voting at the beginning and end on whether meningitis infections will rebound as Covid restrictions end
Using COVID vaccine technology to make faster, cheaper meningitis vaccines, and regulatory lessons from COVID- Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, University of Oxford
DAY 2: Tuesday 2nd November
12.10 - 13.00 Pfizer Satellite Symposium – Maintaining the momentum with meningococcal serogroup A, C, W and Y disease prevention
This promotional meeting is organised and funded by Pfizer Ltd and may include reference to Pfizer medicines relevant to the agenda topics.
Professor Marco Aurélio P. Sáfadi - Professor of Pediatrics, Santa Casa de São Paulo School of Medicine, Brazil
Professor Chiara Azzari - Professor of Pediatrics and Immunology, Meyer Children's Hospital, University of Florence, Italy
The epidemiology of invasive meningococcal disease and the serogroups responsible for causing infection varies by geography and over time. This symposium will explore diverse immunisation strategies that have been implemented in different countries to help control invasive disease meningococcal disease and the impact of these programmes.
Please note that, under the law and the ABPI Code of Practice, Pfizer may only promote its medicines to members of the healthcare professions and other relevant decision makers. Therefore, no unqualified person may attend this meeting.
Improving data for meningitis: recognition, diagnosis and surveillance - closing the ascertainment gap between people affected and laboratory surveillance - Chair: Dr Anne von Gottberg, NICD, Johannesburg
Advocacy and awareness raising activity and the WHO Defeating Meningitis by 2030 Roadmap – Rob Dawson, Meningitis Research Foundation
Challenges and possible solutions to improving laboratory confirmation of bacterial meningitis – Dr André Bita, WHO
Developing and deploying RDTs for the main meningitis pathogens: where we are now and what’s happening next - Dr Xin Wang, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
Distinguishing bacterial infections using a host signature: PERFORM- DIAMONDS studies – Dr Jethro Herberg, Imperial College London
Discriminatory host transcripts in the blood of adults with bacterial meningitis: TRIM study – Dr Mike Griffiths, University of Liverpool
Genomics: the frontier of learning – Chair: Dr Ifedayo Adetifa, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust/LSHTM
Pneumococcal genomics, vaccines and AMR – Dr William Hanage, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Hypervirulence and Group B Streptococcal Infection – Dr Odile Harrison, University of Oxford
How this will be made accessible through the Global Meningitis Genome Partnership – Professor Robert Heyderman, University College London
Track 1: Prevention – Chair: Professor Paul Heath, St George’s University of London
Identification of Neisseria meningitidis specific patient derived antibodies using reverse vaccinology 2.0 - Camilla Gladstone, Imperial College London
Changes in the epidemiology of invasive meningococcal diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany- Dr Manuel Krone, Wuerzburg University Hospital and German National Reference Laboratory for Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae
Natural Immunity in the African Meningitis Belt to Neisseria meningitidis serogroup X: A Seroprevalence Study – Sara Katz, UK Health Security Agency
Neisseria lactamica induces anti-Neisseria meningitidis B cell responses- Dr Adam Dale, University of Southampton
Immunogenicity of a Single 4CMenB Vaccine Booster in Adolescents 11 Years After Childhood Immunisation - Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, University of Oxford
16.45 Track 2: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment – Chair: Dr Anne von Gottberg, NICD, Johannesburg
Transcriptome analysis of CSF from meningitis patients identifies a novel Streptococcus pneumoniae operon that is essential for establishing brain infection – Dr Emma Wall, UCL
Modelling meningococcal A conjugate vaccine coverage in the meningitis belt from 2010 to 2019 - Rose Bender, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington
Phase 3 Trial of Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of V114, 15-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine, Compared with 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Adults 50 Years of Age and Older (PNEU-AGE) – Andrew Tran, Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD)
In silico evaluation of current PCR diagnostic targets for the molecular detection of bacterial meningitis – Dr Kanny Diallo, Centre Suisse de Recherche Scientifique de Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan
Meningococcal serogroup C (MenC) immune response of a novel tetanus toxoid conjugate quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine (MenACYW-TT) compared to a quadrivalent (MCV4-TT) or monovalent (MenC-TT) meningococcal vaccine in healthy meningococcal vaccine-naïve toddlers - Professor Markus Knuf, Children’s hospital, HSK, Dr. Horst Schmidt Klinik, Wiesbaden, Germany
16.45 Track 3: Surveillance, Support and Advocacy - Chair: Professor Beate Kampmann, LSHTM
Assessing 4CMenB strain coverage of invasive meningococcal strains in an English and Welsh vaccine-eligible cohort using non-culture draft genome sequences- Dr Stephen Clark, UK Health Security Agency
Changes in Pneumococcal Meningitis Incidence Following Introduction of PCV10 and PCV13: Results from the Global PSERENADE Project - Yangyupei Yang, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Rapid Transmission of a Hyper-Virulent Meningococcal Clone Due to High Effective Contact Numbers and Super Spreaders- Jonathan Holmes, University of Leicester
Sequelae at hospital discharge in 49 children with invasive meningococcal disease, Chile, 2009-2019 – Dr Rodolfo Villena, University of Chile
MEVacP : a public engagement website about meningitis and vaccine policy – Dr Odile Harrison, University of Oxford
17.30 Award for best poster
17.30 - 17.40
Award for best poster
DAY 3: Wednesday 3rd November
Prevention and epidemic control (1) – Chair: Professor Ray Borrow, UK Health Security Agency, Vaccine Evaluation Unit
Real-world evidence of 4CMenB vaccine effectiveness against meningococcal B disease and gonorrhoea in adolescents – Professor Helen Marshall, University of Adelaide
Combined with the above session
PANEL DISCUSSION: Potential for adolescent MenB immunisation programmes to control meningococcal B infection and gonorrhoea.
Moderator: Associate Professor Matthew Snape, University of Oxford
Case for teenage MenB prevention - Professor Federico Martinón Torres, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Case for gonococcal prevention - Professor Cal MacLennan, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, University of Oxford and University of Birmingham
WHO perspective - Dr Sami Gottlieb, WHO
Health economics perspective - Dr Hannah Christensen, University of Bristol
Follow up/Q&A from preceding talk - Professor Helen Marshall, University of Adelaide
Including live discussion, audience Q&A
Audience voting at the beginning and the end on ‘Should we introduce Bexsero into teenage immunisation programmes now?’
Potential use of MenABCWY vaccines - Associate Professor Matthew Snape, University of Oxford
Prevention and epidemic control (2) - Chair and moderator: Professor Kate O’Brien, WHO
Conclusions of P-SERENADE project- implications for pneumococcal vaccine policy and what is happening next – Dr Maria Knoll, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
PANEL DISCUSSION: Optimal schedules for control of pneumococcal infection in countries with high and low carriage
Moderated panel discussion on policy issue: switch from 3+0 to 2+1, will it make a difference to control? Is it a necessary step to establish herd protection?
What is the best PCV schedule for LMIC? results from trials in Asian countries - Professor Lay-Myint Yoshida, Nagasaki University, Japan AND Prof Shrijana Shrestha, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Nepal
What we have learned from the UK on 1+1 vs 2+1 - Professor David Goldblatt, UCL
Role of catch up campaigns - Professor Anthony Scott, KEMRI Wellcome Trust
Caveats for PCV schedules that rely on herd effects in countries with intensive transmission - Professor Stefan Flasche, LSHTM
Prevention of ST-1 pneumococcal outbreaks in the meningitis belt - Dr Brenda Kwambana Adams, UCL
Including live discussion, Q&A, audience voting
Prevention and epidemic control (3) - Chair and moderator: Professor James Stuart, WHO and University of Bristol
PANEL DISCUSSION How should MenACWYX vaccine be used in the meningitis belt? Is more research needed to inform strategy?
The importance of MenACWYX vaccine for meningitis belt countries - Professor Samba Sow, Center for Vaccine Development, Mali
- GAVI view on the use of MenACWYX in the meningitis belt - Dr Lee Hampton, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, Geneva
- Which age groups should be targeted for mass vaccination campaigns? Results from modelling studies - Dr Caroline Trotter, University of Cambridge
- Deciding vaccine strategy based on current evidence - Dr Mark Alderson, PATH
The need for a cluster randomised trial on impact on carriage to inform vaccination strategy - Dr Matt Coldiron, Epicentre / Médecins Sans Frontières
Including live discussion, audience Q&A, and voting on 3 questions:
1. Once licensed and WHO prequalified, MenACWYX conjugate vaccine should replace MenA conjugate vaccine in EPI programmes across the meningitis belt combined with
- A. no mass campaigns
- B. mass campaigns of children/young adults across the belt
- C. mass campaigns of children/young adults but only in highest risk countries
2. If mass campaigns are conducted, they should cover
- A. 5-14 year olds
- B. 1-19 year olds
- C. 1-29 year olds
3. A cluster-randomised trial is needed now to measure the impact of MenACWYX vaccine on carriage to support decisions on vaccination strategy
Close - Vinny Smith, MRF and CoMO