Having worked within the support services for over seven years, I have supported a number of individuals and families affected by meningitis and septicaemia. I feel humbled to have been a part of their journey, witnessing their courage and bravery at an incredibly vulnerable time.
As well as speaking to people via the helpline, I have had the pleasure of organising days such as our ‘Pushing the Boundaries – Life after Limb Loss’ day, along with various members days. It has been so lovely to see families come together, to share experiences and to draw strength from one another. Our befriending service has further enabled these links to be continued following an event.
Our team has also been able to give awareness talks to the general public and to health professionals, along with distributing symptoms information. With the help of our members and ambassadors, our reach has been able to stretch even further.
It has been a privilege to see this organisation grow and develop since joining in 2015, and to see the progress made in our fight against this devastating disease.
Having recently had a baby myself, I now only work on Fridays but do feel free to contact me at any point. If you need anything urgently throughout the week, do please call our helpline on 080 8800 3344 or email helpline@meningitis.org.