Help and support resources

A range of resources to help understand and cope with the effects of meningitis on people's lives

“Meningitis is ... something that can happen to us all, it invades every part of a person's life and leaves nothing unharmed be that temporary or permanent. It impacts family and friends and tests all those relationships to breaking.” – Lesley Hart

If you are in the UK or ireland and would like to order printed copies of any of these resources please email

Your Guide for Ireland
For: Parents and carers of children dealing with the after effects of meningitis and septicaemia in Ireland .

This booklet has been written to help families following hospital discharge and provides in depth information about recovery, aftercare and potential after effects of meningitis and septicaemia.
Your guide for the UK
For: parents and carers of children dealing with the after effects of meningitis and septicaemia in the UK.

Jointly produced with Meningitis Now, this booklet has been written to help families following hospital discharge in the UK and provides in depth information about recovery, aftercare and potential after effects of meningitis and septicaemia.
Adult recovery guide
Your Guide - Emotional and behavioural effects of acquired brain injury
Your Guide - Learning and Cognitive Effects
Your Guide - Physical Effects of Acquired Brain Injury
Your Guide - Sensory Effects of Acquired Brain Injury
Your Guide - Speech, Language and Communication Problems
Your Guide - Structure and Function of the Brain
Your Guide - Amputation
Your Guide - Amputee Rehabilitation
Your Guide - Bone Growth Problems
Your Guide - Kidney Damage
Your Guide - Skin Scarring
Your Guide - External Fixators for Limb Correction
Your Guide - Hearing Loss and Tinnitus after Meningitis
Your Guide - Balance Problems
Am I at risk? - Ire
Am I at risk? - UK
Meningitis Baby Watch A3 poster 1
For: Parents and other carers of babies and very small children

Babies have a higher risk of meningitis than any other age group. This award winning pictorial representation of symptoms assists parents and other carers to recognise meningitis and septicaemia in babies and too young to explain how they are feeling. Updated from the largest current national study of meningitis in newborn, funded by MRF.
Meningitis Baby Watch A3 poster 2
Symptoms Card - Ireland
For: All in Ireland

Straight forward list of meningitis and septicaemia symptoms which fit handily into a wallet or purse - credit card sized
Meningitis Research Foundation symptoms - Facebook
Meningitis Research Foundation symptoms - Instagram
Meningitis Research Foundation symptoms - LinkedIn
Meningitis Research Foundation symptoms - Twitter
Monitorizarea meningitei la bebeluşi
For: Romanian speaking parents and other carers of babies and very small children

Babies have a higher risk of meningitis than any other age group. This award winning pictorial representation of symptoms assists parents and other carers to recognise meningitis and septicaemia in babies and too young to explain how they are feeling. Updated from the largest current national study of meningitis in newborn, funded by MRF.
Symptom checker babies
Young adult symptoms checker poster
Symptoms checker poster
Symptoms Card
For: All

Straight forward list of meningitis and septicaemia symptoms which fit handily into a wallet or purse - credit card sized
E Coli
Group A streptococcal (GAS)
Group B streptococcal (GBS)
Haemophilus Influenzae B (Hib)
Group W meningococcal (MenW)
Rarer types
Tuberculosis (TB)
Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B) vaccine
Improved protection against Meningococcal C (MenC) meningitis and septicaemia - UK
Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine
MenACWY student sheet
MenACWY vaccine - Ireland
MenACWY vaccine - UK
MenB Vaccine - Jan 2023
Meningococcal B (MenB) vaccine UK and Ireland - December 2021
Pneumococcal vaccine - UK
Routine MenACWY vaccine (UK) - July 2024
Routine MenACWY vaccine (UK) - Oct 2023
Many printed versions of these resources are free to order if you are in the UK or Ireland.
Meningitis and septicaemia can kill in hours - know the symptoms.
Many of the after effects of meningitis aren't immediately obvious. In this blog, Support Manager Cat explains how we can help.
Alert students to the importance of meningitis vaccines
Alert students to the importance of meningitis vaccines
Just £10/€12/$13.30 per month alerts 6,000 students to the importance of meningitis vaccines
Getting information and support

The MRF Membership and Support team are here for you for any questions you might have about meningitis and septicaemia and their effects on you, or your family and friends.

You can contact us via our helpline, email, social media, Live Chat or by using our use our Get in Touch form.

Tel: 080 8800 3344 (UK) 1800 41 33 44 (Ireland)