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2,030 voices for 2030

Stories of meningitis. For you, by you. Submit Your Story
2 last month Our goal

812 stories


Your latest stories - in your words.

As we head towards 2030, people are adding their stories every day. So, whether you want to motivate and inspire others or want to read people’s experiences of meningitis and sepsis, you’ll find a story that resonates and reminds you that you are never alone.

Eric Sharkey's full story
  • Ireland
  • Bacterial meningitis
  • 60+
Eric Sharkey's story My dad passed away from acute bacterial meningitis on the 29th July 2022...
Anaamika Gupta's full story
  • India
  • Bacterial meningitis, Meningococcal
  • Child 6-12
Anaamika Gupta's story My daughter Anaamika Gupta, aged 12 years, came home from school on 2nd July 2024 with a high grade ...

All stories

Kirsty 's full story
  • UK
  • Meningococcal
  • Adult 25-59
Kirsty 's story
Luke 's full story
  • UK
  • GAS (Group A streptococcal)
  • Baby 0-1
Luke 's story
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