Meningitis in your words

Annie Mae 's story

  • Categories: Unknown meningitis and septicaemia (sepsis) type
Annie Mae
At 2 weeks old Annie took poorly, was unresponsive making a strange shallow grunting noise. I rang the doctors and was in the waiting room within minutes. I was told we didn’t have time to wait for an ambulance.

She was in desperate need of hospital care so I drove there shouting her name and shaking her legs trying to get some reaction. Feeling like the 10 minute journey lasted a lifetime.
We arrived and were taken straight into resus. They tried and tried to find a vein for a cannula. We were started on antibiotics and told to prepare for a lumbar puncture. I felt like my whole world was crashing down around me.

Within hours the doctor was stood at the bottom of her bed to tell me the devastating news. The hardest time of our lives was right before us but we were ready for battle.

She started to suffer with seizures, and the cannula kept failing. They were unable to for a line as her veins were so small and she was so ill.

Eventually we were transferred to another hospital for a surgical line to be fitted in surgery.
After 2 weeks in hospital my little warrior returned home with me to her older brothers who couldn’t wait to have their sister home.

I will be forever grateful that she fought so hard to stay.

Lucy Hunt 
April 2021

Detailed information about the after effects of meningitis

Vaccines are one of the most effective public health interventions in history, saving billions of lives since the first vaccine was produced in 1798. So how exactly do they work?
Stories that inspire us to create a world free from the diseases.

Whether you are living with the after effects of the diseases or coping with the death of a loved one, we are here for you.

Provide a lifeline for those in need
Provide a lifeline for those in need
£6/€7.20/$8 pays for a 30 minute call from a trained support officer.

They listen to the issues faced by someone struggling with the impact of meningitis, and provide detailed information and support.
Membership and support

The MRF Membership and Support team are here for you for any questions you might have about meningitis and septicaemia and their effects on you, or your family and friends.

Tel: Helpline UK 080 8800 3344 Ireland 1800 41 33 44

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