I lost consciousness for four days, in which time they had to tie me to the bed. By the fifth day I started to remember and recognise some people.
I spent 14 days in hospital and then went home, but by the Monday I was back in hospital. The pressure on my brain was still 32. I had no sense of balance and could not stand or walk upright, my eyesight was very poor and I was deaf in my left ear. Eventually the doctor sent me to a neurologist, who prescribed pills, and whom I had to visit on the 15th of May for another lumbar puncture. The brain pressure was still 28.
I started working again on the 17th of June, but only half a day. I am still deaf in the left ear and my eyesight is not right. When I am tired I feel dizzy and have no sense of balance, my left arm sometimes starts jumping of its own accord, and I get terrible headaches.
Some days are better than others, but all in all I can say I am lucky I survived and I have decided to be positive and spend the rest of my life as useful as I can be.
Clara Maria de Bruyn
July 2009