My daughter contracted ecoli meningitis at 10 days old. It was a truly horrific time. Meningitis and septicemia are terrifying. She contracted hydrocephalus as a result of meningitis and had a shunt fitted at 3 months. Hydrocephalus is a lifelong condition and she has 5 brain surgeries. She made it. She didn't have the rash and became so unwell so fast. Nearly four months in hospital where everyday there was something to be scared of. Twice in intensive care and we were told to register her birth so we didn't have to register her death on the same day. We were lucky that York hill childrens hospital used the meningitis treatment procedures 3 days before it was able to be confirmed by a lumber puncture. She was in intensive care put into deep sleep and was too ill for them to do a lumber puncture. We were so lucky. She is going to be 15.
It's a devastating disease. Protocols to treat for it immediately save lives.