At six days old he had lost even more weight, he was also sniffly and his eyes kept rolling back for a few seconds. I took him to see our family GP who insisted he was fine and I was sent home. The night went by and Harley didn’t wake for any of his feeds and I began to panic. I rang midwife in the morning and she rushed over and he was weighed and had lost just over 12% of his birth weight. She rang the doctors demanding a second opinion.
We made it to GP and he was admitted instantly.
When we got to the hospital Harley was very weak and breathing badly, extremely mottled and cold. The nurses told me they thought he had pneumonia and we were waiting for a consultant. While waiting I was asked to get a urine sample from him and once I got it and gave it over the nurses took it for testing and within a minute two consultants rushed in , took bloods and put a cannula in. All of this happened within minutes and I asked the consultant what was wrong. He told me Harley had bugs in his urine and they suspected he had a blood infection. I asked him if Harley would be OK and he told me that babies’ immune systems are very weak and they were doing the best they could. The next day they performed a lumbar puncture and chest x-ray and the day after they took him for a kidney and bladder ultrasound.
During Harley’s hospital stay on an IV he struggled to maintain a healthy temperature and was on hourly observations for the first five days. He continued to lose weight and slept 95% of time. After about six days on IV he started to come together and was gaining weight again. He was properly discharged from hospital on the January 1st after a total of 12 days on IV.