Meningitis in your words

Kyra Romeo McRae's story

  • Location: Australia
  • Categories: Bacterial meningitis
  • Age: Baby 0-1
  • Relationship: Parent
  • Outcome: Recovery with after effects
Kyra Romeo McRae
Kyra Romeo McRae - Meningitis in your words
Kyra was 17 days old when we took her to our local emergency with temperatures of 39 degrees and loss of appetite and very irritable ...the emergency room doctors were amazing and acted swiftly, ordering a lumbar punch and starting her on all antibiotics to cover her until we got results back...

Kyra was fighting the meningitis well, we were advised early on that Kyra had lost her hearing in her left ear and  had also formed 2 clots in the brain which caused 2 minor strokes and 2 major strokes.

Kyra had 6 long weeks in NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) followed by 2 further weeks on the ward with a cochlear implant surgery before being able to come home.

We are forever grateful for the nurses and doctors who worked around the clock making sure Kyra was well looked after 

Trust your instincts, if at all any concern get it checked out an early detection can be an absolute life changer

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