I contracted meningitis at six months old, and at one point they only gave me twelve hours to live. I was in a local hospital, and they got a doctor to come from the Birmingham hospital to me, they pumped me full of antibiotics, this was back in 1973.
I was told at a young age that I had hearing problems (35 percent in one ear and 40 percent in the other ), and I also had to have speech therapy lessons. All through my life I have always been clumsy, it wasn't until I had my hearing checked at the age of 50 that the doctor explained that I had inner ear problems too, resulting from meningitis.
At the time back in 1973 my parents weren't told a lot so couldn't tell me, it's only this week that I found out about escherichia coli meningitis, which in babies they say there is only a five to ten percent survival rate, I'm trying to read what I can about this because the older I get I'm suffering more with different conditions and I need to know if it's because of the meningitis.