Meningitis in your words

Maria Alvarado's story

  • Location: USA
  • Categories: Bacterial meningitis
  • Age: Teenager
  • Relationship: Self
  • Outcome: Full recovery
  • After effects: Learning difficulties, Sight problems, Mental health problems
I was nineteen years old and I had just started my first quarter of college. I remember getting really bad headaches, but thought it was stress because I had just started college.

Winter vacation came and me and my family took a trip to Mexico and shortly after we came home I started feeling sick. I woke up one morning and had a huge headache. I had all the symptoms of meningitis, but because I had no awareness of meningitis I stayed home all day feeling sick thinking I would get better the next day.

It was my older brother that saw me really sick, he was really worried so he drove me to the hospital. I was admitted right away and they told me I had contracted meningitis.

I do not know if I contracted meningitis from college or my trip to Mexico. My advice is to not wait and just go to the hospital as soon as possible. It could have been deadly for me, but my brother saved me.

I was able to recover in eleven days. I am 32 years old now and I only suffer from learning difficulties, sight vision and anxiety. I am very grateful to be alive and always cherish every moment. 

My experience with meningitis was very scary because I had no awareness. I would say to be aware of the symptoms and take action right away. Especially when traveling take precautions and take vitamins that can help your immune system be strong.

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