Meningitis in your words

Mary Shaw's story

  • Location: England
  • Categories: Bacterial meningitis
  • Age: Baby 0-1
  • Relationship: Self
  • Outcome: Recovery with after effects
Mary Shaw

I was 4 months old when I was diagnosed with meningitis, so this story was told to me by my mother.

I became very ill very quickly and my father cycled to the doctor’s house and asked him to visit. He came immediately and diagnosed possible pneumonia, gave medication and left. My mother had heard of meningitis and suspected that the doctor had been mistaken in his diagnosis. She looked up ‘meningitis’ in an ordinary encyclopaedia and was convinced that this was what I was suffering from. Apparently I had a rash and a fever and she described my eyes as “falling back into your (my) head”. She said I was lethargic and unresponsive.

My father got back on his bike and once again the doctor called. He agreed that this may indeed be meningitis. He took my Mum and I to hospital in his car. I was given huge amounts of penicillin and kept in hospital for a month, during which time my mother cycled backwards and forwards to the hospital to continue breastfeeding me. My father had to work and my sister was only three years old, so she couldn’t stay in hospital with me, although there probably was no opportunity to do this anyway.

My parents were told that there was only a 40% chance that I would survive, but that I would almost definitely be left with a disability.

I was one of the lucky ones who did survive this awful disease and have been left with very little disability (if any). I did not thrive well throughout childhood and had many minor illnesses and was always the smallest in the class at school. My parents worried about me and I was rather overprotected. The doctors told them that I should not be allowed to do any sport or become overtired, which of course, would not be the advice today.

I am not a person with a great deal of stamina and I don’t have a great immune system, but this is thought to be as a result of the amount of antibiotics I received in hospital and throughout my childhood. I now resist antibiotic treatment if at all possible.

I still have the encyclopaedia with the meningitis entry (photo attached). I believe it saved my life, together with my Mum’s instinct that the doctor had made the wrong diagnosis, her confidence to question it and her determination to get a second opinion.

"I suffered from meningitis 68 years ago and so much has changed, but what hasn’t changed is the need for information and awareness and the encouragement for parents to follow their instincts,"

I suffered from meningitis 68 years ago and so much has changed, but what hasn’t changed is the need for information and awareness and the encouragement for parents to follow their instincts, be prepared to question medical staff and demand a second opinion.

Mary Shaw
March 2020

Detailed information about the after effects of meningitis

Many of the after effects of meningitis aren't immediately obvious. In this blog, Support Manager Cat explains how we can help.
Stories that inspire us to create a world free from the diseases.

Whether you are living with the after effects of the diseases or coping with the death of a loved one, we are here for you.

Provide a lifeline for those in need
Provide a lifeline for those in need
£6/€7.20/$8 pays for a 30 minute call from a trained support officer.

They listen to the issues faced by someone struggling with the impact of meningitis, and provide detailed information and support.
Membership and support

The MRF Membership and Support team are here for you for any questions you might have about meningitis and septicaemia and their effects on you, or your family and friends.

Tel: Helpline UK 080 8800 3344 Ireland 1800 41 33 44