On 20 February 2017, we visited Mearns Castle High School in Newton Mearns, Glasgow to deliver a meningitis awareness talk to the entire sixth form in the school theatre.
Scotland Manager Mary Millar (pictured centre) was accompanied by member Fiona Singh (left), whose daughter Jennifer, a former pupil of Mearns Castle, died of meningitis at the age of 19. Fiona movingly told her story about events running up to Jennifer’s death, and how difficult it was for everyone (even the specialist doctors) to recognise Jennifer’s symptoms.
In addition member Eilidh Bannerman (right), who now teaches Biology and Mearns Castle, took the pupils through her Book Of Experience story.
Eilidh recounted how at the age of seven she contracted meningococcal septicaemia and was given little chance of survival. She emerged with only the loss of a toenail!
Eilidh’s story has attracted over 1,000 ‘shares’ on Facebook, and she encouraged the students to visit her page and to share it.