Meningitis Awareness Week urges public support for Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis

13 Sep 2021
Meningitis Awareness Week urges public support for Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis

To mark Meningitis Awareness Week (13th – 19th September), Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) is inviting members of the public to submit their support for the WHO Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis ahead of its official launch on September 28th. The gallery of uploaded pictures, videos and audio files will be shared as part of the launch, encouraging global leaders to take action and defeat meningitis.

The launch provides an opportunity for public voices to be heard by influential people from every corner of the globe. We need to show them how much people want to see meningitis defeated – the more voices we get, the stronger the call to action.

Participants are invited to submit their message of support by uploading a picture, video or audio file at This “gallery of support” will then be shared during the Roadmap launch on September 28th.

Speaking about the Roadmap after its ratification at the November 2020 World Health Assembly, Professor Keith Klugman of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said: “Meningitis has increasingly remained a burden especially on poor children as they lack access to life saving antibiotics and vaccines – the WHO Defeating Meningitis roadmap is an important tool to stimulate the development and deployment of new vaccines to prevent meningitis in both newborns and older infants.”

The launch of the Global Roadmap to Defeat Meningitis will take place online on Zoom, and is free for all to attend. Click here to find out more.

Meningitis Awareness Week 2021
Meningitis Awareness Week 2021
This Meningitis Awareness Week, show your support to #DefeatMeningitis. Make your voice heard.
Media contact
Elaine Devine - Director of Advocacy, Communications & Support
Tel: 0333 405 6248