When I got Meg home and changed her bum, I noticed a tiny little rash on her ribs. It looked more like a bruise, like blood under the skin. I brought her back to her dad's so he could look. Meg had gone very tired and drowsy and just didn't look right.
We brought her to the docs. They said the rash could just be burst blood vessels from getting sick and she might be dehydrated and may need a drip. They said we could bring her home or go to Tallaght hospital. We said we would rather bring her to the hospital, the ambulance would take too long.
So we drove and they said they would ring ahead so will be seen straight away. On the way there Meg was in her car seat and we could just hear little moans coming from her, like as if she was just too tired to even cry. We kept saying, “It's ok baby, we will be there soon”, her dad rubbing her leg from the front seat.