Our beautiful 17 week old little boy grew his wings sleeping in my arms.
Our cheeky smiley little boy will live on forever, too beautiful for this world, far too special. Our gorgeous little boy baby blue eyes will live on forever until we meet again.
Every day was full of smiles and your beautiful little face will be with me forever. Always & forever.
You my darling angel will always be the best gift of life. The reason I live is for you and soon we will be together again I promise.
Our beautiful miracle was born on 19th November and we spent the 4 months together cuddling and making beautiful memories. You will always be mummy and daddy's beautiful little Prince.
On the 29th March we found you in mummy's arms sleeping but you had already gained your wings and flied to heaven, your wings were ready far too soon for such a beautiful little boy, everyone tried so hard to bring you back to us, and the hardest words we both heard was " we will have to stop".
We found out you had meningitis although nothing made sense as there was no signs, you was still your smiley cheeky always eating self.
You may have gained your wings but you will always be here with us and we will always keep you safe, you will be in our hearts until we can hold our treasure in heaven again. You will always mean to absolute world to all of us and always be our perfect prince.
Lou Meade
May 2018