After successfully delivering four babies whilst being GBS-positive, I was naive to the possibility that this pregnancy would be any different.
At 24 weeks pregnant with my fifth child, my waters broke spontaneously and I was told that my daughter would be born and wouldn't survive.
The day after I was admitted Meah-Angel arrived and she was beautiful. She passed after one hour of being alive.
I was cared for so well by the wonderful midwives and medical team who were so caring and delicate but very practical, and after spending a night with Meah we left the hospital without our baby.
I was lucky enough to fall pregnant again the same year, and our rainbow baby Dolcie was born, now thirteen years-old after a high-risk pregnancy and wonderful consultant-led midwifery care.
As a family, we always remember Meah on the 4th of February each year and light a candle in her memory.
GBS is a serious disease that can affect pregnancies, and although a vaccine and routine testing will not have changed my outcome, it could change it for many pregnant women and families expecting little ones.