When I got to the hospital I was diagnosed with meningococcal septicaemia in the early stages and had a CT scan which confirmed this and I was in intensive care. An hour after being in hospital I developed the rash but it faded in about half an hour because of all the antibiotics being pumped into my body.
I got told I was in intensive care for 48 hours and during that time the doctors didn’t know if I was going to pull through, but luckily I did.
I was in hospital for two and half weeks on the HDU and children’s ward. I can’t remember anything apart from waking up on the children’s ward and thinking how I got there.
When I got home my parents told me I was like a six year old. I had to learn to do everything again...walk, eat properly, had to be watched on the stairs and in the bath.
I suffered memory loss at first, I didn’t know who my own sister was. My voice was rather strange for a few weeks as well from the tubes down my throat from the life support machine and God knows what else I was hooked up to. I’ve got quite a lot of needle and tube marks on my body now!
It’s a really strange feeling I cannot explain knowing I could have died and yet I’m still here. I owe my mum and the hospital staff my life!!!