My wee boy Fraser was 13 months old, it was August 2007. We were at my niece’s birthday party around 5pm on a sunny Friday. Fraser woke from a nap and was really upset, we couldn't calm him down. As he had been unwell on and off for a few weeks and we had taken him to the doctors and the health visitors already, we put it down to teething and took him home. In the evening he was very unsettled and finally fell asleep around 11pm. This was very late for him. Looking back on it his breathing was rapid and shallow and his legs were cold, symptoms I was unaware of.
Fraser woke up around 4.30am, we went to check him and give him some Calpol and noticed he had a dirty nappy. This nappy saved Fraser's life. I changed him in the dark except for the hall light and noticed a big purple mark on his side. I shouted my husband and he knew it was serious. I called NHS24 and told them Fraser had a rash that was not going away. I could see him turning grey before my eyes and it was taking a long time to clarify his symptoms over the phone, so I decided we would go to the nearest hospital, which was Hairmyres.
NHS24 tried to call us back to redirect us to Wishaw General as it has a paediatrics ward, but we were already en route. We were just anxious to get him to hospital as the rash on Fraser was spreading rapidly – we could actually see it coming out! The hospital staff were waiting for us when we arrived and the first doctor to see him took one look and said “Oh Crikey”, never words you want to hear from a doctor in an emergency! They started working on Fraser immediately, putting lines in him all over the place and he was on oxygen. They called in another doctor and were also on the telephone taking instruction from Yorkhill Hospital, Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children. We were taken to the relatives’ room and told he was a very, very sick young man. The doctor just kept telling us this over and over. At this point I asked my husband if he thought Fraser was going to die. He never answered my question, just to say how much he loved him.