Meningitis in your words

Jacob Bayliss's story

  • Location: England
  • Categories: Pneumococcal
  • Age: Baby 0-1
  • Relationship: Parent
  • Outcome: Full recovery
Jacob Bayliss

Jacob who was only five months old, had a high temperature and became restless at night, when normally he sleeps through.

After the weekend and having taken some Calpol, he settled down, and his high temperature seemed to disappear, only later on towards the end of the Monday did it return.

Although he had no other symptoms my wife decided to take him to the doctors and, after being seen at around midday, the GP advised she take him immediately to A & E.

"It was horrifying to think we may lose our beautiful boy and leave hospital without him"

Upon arrival at Coventry Walsgrave University Hospital they carried out some tests including the lumbar puncture and started treatment straight away. He had contracted pneumococcus and was very poorly. He seemed to be on the mend, as after Friday morning he perked up and was much happier.

It was horrifying to think at one stage we may lose our beautiful boy and leave the hospital without him...words cannot describe. We are so grateful to the hospital staff for their care and expertise and quick decisions. It makes us sad for anyone who loses a loved one, especially one of your children.

Nathan Bayliss
March 2010