They didn't know what damage it was going to cause if I survived.
Well here I am. I have neurological brain damage. I have learning disabilities. I had to relearn everything all over. I couldn't walk, talk, or hold my bottle, nothing. I wasn't able to walk without falling or running into something till I was 4.
Until this day I have problems with walking without running into something. I have lost part of my hearing in my left ear. I can hear loud noises just not low tone. I have headaches a lot. I suffer memory loss. I suffer horrible panic attacks and PTSD.
I'm trying to make sense of all of this. I don't know anyone else that has survived this. I have more issues I can't even begin to tell you. It would be nice to meet people that have survived this so I can ask questions and learn from their stories. I don't feel normal at all. It's hard to put in words what this deadly bacteria has done to me and I would love answers.
Sorry for this being so long. But this is the first I've spoken of it. Thank you for reading.
Julie Copeland
November 2014