My wonderful 'gentleman' husband died at the age of 50 whilst on holiday in France in 1997 from septicaemia within four days. Our children Nicholas and Abigail were 10 and 12 years old.
No-one can believe the barriers one can face just being in France unless you experience it. My barriers were numerous, two of those being not speaking the language, and the disapproval of the intensive care nurses when I took my children into his room to say goodbye to their unconscious dying father.
MRF supported me by telephone on my return to France, as no-one seemed to understand. I had so many questions I needed to have answered. I cannot put into words the comfort they gave me.
My grief was exacerbated by the fact that Barrie had successfully survived pneumococcal meningitis eight years previously when the children were only two and four.
He was unconscious for five days and fought to live. He really was a remarkable man.
Time does not change memories. Time heals the rawness of the wound, but the tears still flow sometimes.