Meningitis in your words

Matthew Harris's story

  • Location: England
  • Categories: GBS (Group B streptococcal)
  • Age: Baby 0-1
  • Relationship: Parent
  • Outcome: Full recovery
Matthew Harris

My waters broke at 36 weeks of my pregnancy. I thought I was going into labour, although I still had a few weeks to go.

I went to the hospital and the doctor told me that I’ll be giving birth anytime soon. As the day went by I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Matthew. He was born on the 16 June 2014, I was so happy to see my baby looked so healthy and strong.

"All of a sudden his hands and feet turned blue"

As the day went by, we were moved to the ward to stay overnight, but all of a sudden his hands and feet turned blue and I went to the night sister and told her what I had noticed. She took him to the nursery just to stay overnight because she thought maybe his getting cold.

I went to visit him the next day. As I walked into the nursery I noticed the doctor and nurses being busy with him. They asked me to sit in the other room because they were busy with him. I started crying not knowing what is wrong.

I phoned my mum and husband to come. When they arrived the doctor came and told us that our healthy looking Matthew has been diagnosed with Group B Strep meningitis. I could not believe that my boy was so sick but the doctor ensured me that he will do anything to help my boy and he did.

Matthew was on antibiotics for 21 days and we were released from hospital on the 8 July 2014. The doctor said he’s fully recovered but has to go for check-ups every week.

Tarryn Harris
July 2014