Meningitis in your words

Noah Alexander Jarman's story

  • Location: England
  • Categories: Viral
  • Age: Baby 0-1
  • Relationship: Parent
  • Outcome: Bereavement
Noah Alexander Jarman

My son, Noah, was born on a Wednesday morning. Perfectly healthy, beautiful and bright eyed. He was such a blessing to my husband and me.

I had tested positive for Step B, so we stayed in the hospital until Friday so that they could monitor him to make sure he was ok. He had slight jaundice when he was born, but they monitored his levels and said he was fine.

"The ambulance arrived in less than 5 minutes and began working on him and he was rushed to the hospital"

We all went home early Friday afternoon. Late Friday evening/early Saturday morning, I picked him up out of his bassinet [cradle] next to the bed to nurse him. I laid on my side and led him next to me to feed. He liked to nurse some and then sleep a little and then nurse some. So, when he seemed like he was sleeping and no longer wanted to nurse, I picked him up to put him back in his bassinet. As I lifted him up, he didn't make any movement, which was slightly strange because he usually moved a little when I picked him up. I took off his swaddle to see if this would wake him and still no response. I then took off his zippered pyjamas. Still no response. I woke up my husband and we called for the ambulance, then I started CPR.

The ambulance arrived in less than 5 minutes and began working on him and he was rushed to the hospital. They also tried to resuscitate him, but couldn't and he was pronounced dead. He was only 3 days old.

The medical examiner performed an autopsy on him to try to determine the cause of death.

About 5 weeks after his death, the medical examiner told us that he had discovered swelling in Noah's brain and that the cause of his death was viral Meningitis.

I only found out the cause of death a couple days ago and this whole turn of events has just been so hard to fathom. His short life, his death, the cause of his death. The fact that he died from a disease that from everything I've read many people don't even know they have and there is currently no cure for is difficult for me to comprehend.

I just discovered the Meningitis Research Foundation, so thus far my relationship has been passive.

Sarah Jarman
April 2013