I lay in bed for the whole weekend and things got worse. I had lost my appetite and didn’t want to talk to anyone.
My mum rang the out of hours doctors and explained what was wrong and I went there about half an hour later with my auntie. I explained to him that I had a lump on my tongue and by this time I started to get red rashes around my legs. I thought this would have been because I was lying in bed a lot. He said he thought it was an uncommon type of shingles or viral infection and that I would get worse before I got better. I took his word for it and went home.
At this point I had a severe headache. I was supposed to go to my friend’s 18th birthday but my head was that sore I couldn’t think straight. Things started to go downhill and symptoms increased. I was tired all the time, I just wanted to go to sleep, everyone’s voice was so loud, I couldn’t sit up or lay down because my neck was really stiff, every time I moved I threw up green stuff and I got really weak that I couldn’t help myself up after being sick. I started to get sore legs and small and big rashes on my body. I knew straight away that it was serious. All I wanted to do was sleep because I couldn’t keep my eyes open.
The next day was much the same and my mum knew I had to go to the doctor again. So she rang the out of hours doctors and asked to see a different doctor. I couldn’t even walk or open my eyes because the light was so bright. She said she didn’t know what was wrong but would send me to A&E to get blood tests.
The doctors in the hospital knew straight away and I was sent into a special room and treated. I don’t really know what happened because I was going in and out of consciousness, but I remember waking up with loads of needles in my arms. I was shaking like a leaf. I then got an x-ray on my chest and was then in intensive care for a week and they told me I had bacterial meningitis. During that week I got a lumbar puncture and an x-ray on my head to check if my brain was OK.
I couldn’t sit the rest of my exams but I had done enough coursework so I was examined on that.
It was the most painful and scary part of my life that I will never forget and I am just really grateful that I’m ok now and I think about it every day.
Rachel Forsythe
November 2011