My son was born after a difficult delivery . He was covered in his own faeces, grade 3 meconium.
Five hours after he was born he was making a "squeaking" sound when he breathed and was whisked away to PICU. Straightaway he was put on iv antibiotics and had a lumbar puncture. We were kept in hospital for 5 days without any answers. It was Christmas time so we were sent home and told he had a bacterial infection but they didn't know what.
Two weeks later I was round my parents’ house, he was sleeping and "twitching” in his sleep. My stepdad is a GP and was immediately concerned. We got blue lighted to hospital where he endured a further 10 lumbar punctures, each one unsuccessful. He was put on strong iv antibiotics. I later discovered he originally had E.coli septicaemia and had now developed meningitis . He remained on antibiotics for 10 days.