I got meningitis as a new born.
At one point I had stopped breathing, I was in the hospital for a good week. There were 5 other babies in the hospital with same kind, they all died but me. My mom prayed for me every day and I got better.
As time went on I remember always being a very slow learner. School was very hard for me but I got through high school. I'm not a good speller, reader, writer or with math but I have amazing talents in art and poetry. I also noticed I was very depressed little girl and always getting sick a lot with colds, flues, ear infections, etc. I remember even going to the doctors once where they gave me some kinda of shot when I had the flu for a month when I was about 7years old.
Another time I ended up in the hospital for good 4 days, the doctors till this day never could figure out what was wrong with me but somehow I started to get better.