Still fast asleep, they wanted to keep her under sedation because they were planning to do an MRI scan on the Friday morning. It felt like our world was falling apart right in front of us. The Sick Children's Trust put us up to stay. They are a charity so survive on donations.
Friday morning hit and we literally had our hearts in our throats. She went down for her MRI and we just felt so sick! A couple of hours later we were taken into a room where about 8 doctors surrounded us telling us the worst news we could ever imagine. Skye had severe brain damage. They carried on to tell us worst case she may never walk, talk, move, see, hear or even breathe on her own ever again. They said she may not even make it to adulthood. Our world was falling down right in front of our eyes.
As if that wasn't bad enough another doctor came in and said they had tried to pull out her breathing tube and it hasn't gone well. He said we must go in and see. We begged not to but the doctors felt it was important for us to see why they needed to put another tube back down as she couldn't breathe on her own. We walked in to the most horrific sight. Skye was struggling so much to breathe we just broke down. All that information to take in, then to see Skye like that.
We were in intensive care for nine days. It took 4 attempts and a camera down her throat before she could manage to breathe on her own.
We finally got to the neurology ward where we could start waking Skye up and find out exactly how bad the extent of her brain damage was. She started to wake up really cranky, not that we could blame her. She was still having high temperatures which they were worried about but it looked like she also had the flu. They think she caught the flu first, then when her immune system was down she got meningitis. The more she woke up, the more we realised she had involuntary movement in her left side. She was getting rashes all down her left side where she was moving so much, she couldn't get to sleep because her brain just wouldn't stop all her movements, it was awful to witness. They were playing with all her medication to see what would help her the best.