Meningitis in your words

Sunny Glenn's story

  • Location: England
  • Categories: Escherichia coli (E. Coli)
  • Age: Baby 0-1
  • Relationship: Parent
  • Outcome: Recovery with after effects
  • After effects: After Effects
Sunny Glenn

I had my beautiful son, full term no complications, I had no drugs gas/epidural.

When Sunny was born, the nurses said he was a 10 out of 10 baby(meaning he was a good colour, weight, healthy etc.)

Anyhow the nurse asked if they could take stem cells from Sunny’s belly button (I never heard of stem cells, and after giving birth, I was a bit worse for wear, and so I agreed.

After being at home with Sunny, he was about 18 days old, I noticed his breathing seemed rather shallow and just kept an eye on him.

A couple of days later, I was feeding Sunny, when all of a sudden he just went limp in my arms. I patted him on the back, I sat him up right I even turned him upside down, but nothing was helping, he just wasn’t breathing.

"I ran next door to my neighbour, who called paramedics, they performed CPR on him and took him to our nearest hospital."

After seeing the paediatric doctor, he informed me, that Sunny was ok, just a case of him choking on a bottle (which I did not agree with).

The doctor told me to take Sunny home, but I knew something was wrong so I headed to Alder Hey Hospital.

When I arrived at the reception I explained what had happened, and the receptionist came around to my side and just took off with Sunny and I ran quickly behind her.

Within 20 mins sunny was put in an isolation, with needles inserted into every available point, even his head.

After a few hours I was told Sunny had e-coli septicaemia, he remained in hospital for 2 weeks and made a full recovery until 6 months old when he had an asthma attack (we didn’t know he had asthma).

He spent the next 24 months in and out of hospital with chest infections at aged 4 Sunny again collapsed not breathing and he was diagnosed with anaphylaxis.

At age 8 sunny was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency and multiple allergies.

Sunny has numerous problems but he fights every illness and ailment and is a happy 11 year old, so no matter how difficult life can get, his fight is what keeps me going.

Luisa Glenn
January 2017