Meningitis in your words

Tyler Curtis's story

  • Location: Wales
  • Categories: Bacterial meningitis
  • Age: Toddler 1-3
  • Relationship: Parent
  • Outcome: Full recovery
Tyler Curtis

The day my son was born, I can't describe anything like it... Just seeing his little face I had never been so happy in my entire life. I remember not being able to sleep the night he was born because I couldn't stop looking at him, I couldn't believe that I had made something so beautiful.

His birth was straight forward, he arrived right on his due date - 22nd September 2013 - weighing 5lb10oz. Before I knew it we were able to take him home, everything was perfect he slept well, ate well, nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever. 

Two weeks later I remember waking up and he was still fast asleep, which I thought was a bit out of the ordinary because he had been sleeping for ages. I touched his face and he was boiling hot, I knew he had a fever straight away. I took his pyjamas off him so he was just in his nappy to see if he would cool down but he didn't. Instinct told me something wasn't quite right with him so I took him to the doctors that day. 

I knew a little bit about meningitis but I had checked for a rash and there was nothing there so that never crossed my mind.

"I thought I was going to lose my beautiful baby boy."

When we arrived at the doctors she took his temperature which was extremely high, also checked for a rash. She sent us straight to the hospital as a 'precaution'. 

When we got to the hospital he was seen right away, they did a variety of tests including lumbar puncture. We stayed at hospital that night. 

When the results of Tyler's tests came back and the doctor had told me it was meningitis I broke down, my world just suddenly turned upside down. I knew how serious meningitis is. It was such a shock to me and my family. I thought I was going to lose my beautiful baby boy. 

Doctors immediately put him on an IV with antibiotics. The doctors and nurses were absolutely fantastic with him and so supportive. 

Eight days later, Tyler was given the all clear. It seemed like the longest 8 days of my entire life seeing your child like that is the worst thing imaginable. You feel so helpless. Luckily, Tyler survived with no complications. 

I just thought I'd share my experience, just in case there's any young mothers out there like myself who didn't really know the symptoms of meningitis and to raise awareness as there might be others out there like myself previously who assumed that if someone has meningitis they have a rash, which obviously isn't always the case. 

My heart goes out to anyone that has passed away, had, or have this awful disease.

Kate Rosser
August 2015